Each week (Sunday evening or Monday morning) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates several ideas based on what's been going on in the studio. The ideas are generally fairly poor, but now and then there's something that Daniel finds amusing (or sometimes even useful).

Everything below is AI generated, there should probably be special markup for that.

Exploring Camera Use

Daniel has expressed interest in using different cameras more frequently but faces obstacles with their operation and charging. This could be extended into a studio project by:

Gardening and Art Integration

The mention of gardening alongside discussions of creative pursuits suggests a blend of nature and technology:

Studio Organization Redesign

The activities around clearing out spaces and re-arranging the studio could be transformed into a larger project:

Video Editing Enhancements

With a recent focus on video editing:

Playful Creativity with Technology

The emphasis on taking time off and engaging with technology for fun suggests:

Connectivity Through Print

Considering the use of pen plotters and stationery:

Embracing Mindful Relaxation

The concepts of relaxation and mindfulness appeared frequently:

New Idea: Stationery Design Series

Launch a series where Daniel designs his line of custom stationery, potentially incorporating elements from his plots: